10 Best Plants For Gardens in Summer

We all love our gardens and while we had other interesting articles for how to maintain your garden, the right tips and tricks in the market from the experts themselves, we thought why not to give our readers a little something of what they can actually plant in their gardens. So we have this list of the top summer plants for your garden to keep you occupied. These dainty little flowering plants will brighten up even the most bluest and gloomiest of summer rainy days with a bright splash of color as soon as your open your room window. If this isn’t enough to tempt you, then read on!

10. Acanthus mollis ‘Rue Ledan’        


The first plant on our list of the best summer plants for you, we have what is called Acanthus mollis ‘Rue Ledan’.  It might seem to be a little weird looking as it is just a splash of white and has no hints of other colors. Apart from maybe a slight hint of mauve in the middle. They might look somber and ghastly at time and if planted against a red brick wall, they would seem mesmerizing to the eyes especially in the summer sun, all bright and white! Gardeners recommend planting them in combination with Hydrangea ‘Annabelle’; they say that the vertical appearance of the ‘Rue Ledan will go perfectly with the blossomed roundness of the hydrangea flower heads. Grow them in moist soil for the best result and shade.

9. Filipendula purpurea (AGM)


The next plant on our list of the best summer plants for you; we have what is called Filipendula purpurea (AGM). In these summer days and especially alongside the streams and meadows you often see cream fluffy little flowers in their primary pink form. These are just as easy to grow but it is because of their intense, zingy colour that they look ten time more eye catching. Another attractive feature is the contrast the flower has with its bottle green colored leaves.  Where most plants are petering out especially by the stream side in the hazy summers, these seem to being born right there and then. And the best part is that when the flowers fall of the mahogany stem makes them a perfect visual for the on coming winters. So if you are thinking a pond side garden, these are your best choice.

8.  Lythrum virgatum ‘Dropmore Purple’


Next on our list of the best summer plants we have another flowering plant with an eye catching color. It is purple this time with this dainty little plant called Lythrum virgatum ‘Dropmore Purple’. It is also a damp loving plant or a plant that love surviving by the moist sides. It is of a salicaria variety and these varieties are known to be self sow which makes it quite a pain in a garden that you are taking pains to maintain because be sure that these will multiply and that too on their own! If you are looking for a strong vertical dimension in your planting scheme then you should go with this plant, which is not only vibrant colored with its flowers but also with its stem! Another plant that will also carry on good in the winters when the flowers fall off and the stems and leaves turn bright red!

7. Phlox maculata Omega’ (AGM)


The next flower on our list of the best plants for summer is the beautifully scented Phlox maculata Omega’ (AGM). It can be called the daintier more prettier cousin of the paniculata variety of the maculate family. The flowers on this plant are more spaced out, more wide spread which gives them a very light structured feel and visual. These flowers fare better in a wet summer because it is easy for the rain to pass through the flower head without causing any damage. The fragrance like stated before, is delicious, and the flowers a white creamish shade with a violet shade of pink as the center eye. So if you want a light touch to any part of your garden these are your best choice.

6. Primula florindae


Next on our list of the best summer plants we have another flowering plant with an eye catching color, yellow drooping bells of this tall, elegant giant plant having such a wonderful scent. It is one of the largest species of the Primula family. Each stem is strong in itself with more than 30 flowers heads on each steam! It again is a moisture loving plant and would adore being planted on stream sides and ponds, loving decent moisturized soil for a good growth.

5. Verbena hastata f. rosea


Verbena hastata f. rosea  of Verbena bonariensis family is next on our list of the best plants to grow in the summer. This plant family is wildly popular with gardeners for all the right reasons. The flowers are delicate looking and have the prettiest shell pink shade. This are grown best in a sunny locations with soil that has easy and clear drainage. It will go far into winter If grown in the rite place and is mostly grown alongside roses which offer them the best contrast.

4. Euphorbia seguieriana


Next on our list of the best summer plants for your garden we have the best summer- flowering plant This foliage plant is one of the best summer-flowering euphorbias. Gardeners recommend that it is best if used as a spotlight on the front of the border. The color combinations on this plant are amazing as it has sage grey-green leaves and brilliant acid-green flowers. These colors will look fresh and vibrant from June to August.

3. Salvia x sylvestris ‘Dear Anja’


Next on our list of the best summer plants for your garden we have another very long-flowering plant called Salvia x sylvestris ‘Dear Anja’. This was introduced by Piet Oudolf and he named the flower after his wife. This according to gardeners will look its best when it is planted parallel to early flowering grasses!

2. Veronicastrum virginicum ‘Lavendelturm’


Next on our list of the best summer plants for your garden we have another sun-lover called Veronicastrum virginicum ‘Lavendelturm’ which means “lavender tower” in the literal sense of the word. It flowers for months, but it is an elegant plant that has the ability to make it right through the year. When combined with Stipa gigantea, it gives a phenomenal vision.

1. Campanula lactiflora ‘Alba’ (AGM)


Our winner for this list of the best plants for the summer for your garden is a campanula selected at Orchard Dene, the unusual white form. This flowering plant is small and trolley compatible. It has recently fallen from grace but all for the wrong reasons. It is only because some gardeners thought it didn’t do well as the garden center however when fully blossomed this reaches over a meter high with amazing white flowers and a purple calyx. It is easy maintenance and can grow in sunny as well as shaded areas!


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